"These lies offer an explanation for a random chaotic universe, and assures them there’s a guiding force to protect them from all the bad things."
Wow, this is SO very true!!!
This reminds me of Joseph Campbell and his series "The Power of Mythology" which, when broken down, basically shows that all the major religions share almost identically the same narrative story.
I believe this is worth thinking about and reflecting upon because if we use the above analogy, we can then see how, as a society and culture, we have been conditioned from a very early age to have, work towards and obtain the very things that ultimately do serve a purpose: to make us feel beholden - whether to a job, marriage, what is deemed "normal" - whatever THAT even means.
Point being: until we begin to examine what is often craftily hidden underneath the surface superficiality of life, only then can we start to liberate ourselves.
We need, collectively, as a species, to allow ourselves to both see and feel the reality that we are now faced with; anything else is but a distraction.