The Perfect Antidote

“So Shines A Good Deed in a Weary World”

So, Mr. Gatz, in response to my other post of a decade long friendship ending via text message sent me this most beautiful message this morning:

Reasons Why You’re My Friend:

  • You’re a nice person
  • You’re very intelligent
  • You have a sense of humor
  • You laugh at my jokes
  • You listen to me
  • You talk to me
  • We enjoy each other
  • And hey, let’s face it, you’re easy on the eyes

I smiled — for miles and miles — when I read it.

Actually, it made me cry, but then that’s nothing unusual for me as I cry quite often and always have, both when I’m happy and when I’m sad. It’s my “thing”

One good bullet point list to replace the other and “John, I’m only dancing”

More often than not, people struggle (myself included) to say the “right” thing. But today, someone that I love and care about said EXACTLY the right thing and for that, and so much more, my dearest, I am eternally in your debt and so very grateful to be so. Or, as Katherine Hepburn says to Jimmy Stewart…



An Ethereal Girl in a Material World

Former ballet dancer. Longtime goth girl. Instagram: ethereal_girl_material_world_