“Surrender, Surrender, But Don’t Give Yourself Away”

“Mommy’s alright, Daddy’s alright, they just seem a little weird”…

So, the moment FINALLY arrived! A mugshot of the Orange Buffoon:

Image from: Newsweek

Or, as the wonderfully wry and acerbic Keith Olbermann notes: “215 lbs?! Maybe in Celsius” ;) Now, here’s the thing: most of us have been waiting for this FOREVER. And truth be told, it felt pretty great, but come on, who would you rather look at? La Mancha Orange OR the beautiful Robin Zander of the awesome band Cheap Trick from back in the day?!!

There’s no contest…

And of course, this cretinous person can always be counted on to sink to even lower levels of crudeness by offering up a cache of “surrender” related merchandise just to…you know…cash in on the chaos of it all.

“Mugs and t-shirts over here, everyone” — it all has such a carnival like atmosphere to it. Those with intellect need not apply for the job.



An Ethereal Girl in a Material World
An Ethereal Girl in a Material World

Written by An Ethereal Girl in a Material World

Former ballet dancer. Longtime goth girl. Instagram: ethereal_girl_material_world_

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