Riding the Rails…

Image from: Reddit

The image above is for the Piccadilly Line train in the United Kingdom.

Images such as this (and others) will soon be my new mode of transportation as I prepare to depart this country for the U.K.

Also, this too:

Image from: Alamy

Earlier today, I came across this very interesting article:

Biden administration proposes billion-dollar plan that would revolutionize the way Americans travel — here’s what it entails (msn.com)

In reading through some of the various comments, I was a bit amazed at how many people were AGAINST what would be, I think, a wonderful plan.

Comments ranged from “I’ll never give up my car” to “It’s all a scheme to line the pockets of corporations” and “Another move towards Socialism.”


I’ll admit that, as I prepare to leave this country, the idea of parting with my “Pink Lady” car has brought about a lot of conflicting emotions within me. For so many of us born in the U.S., having a car is not only a “rite of passage” into adulthood, but also, perhaps more importantly, the only real means that we have to get to where we need to go (anyone who has…



An Ethereal Girl in a Material World

Former ballet dancer. Longtime goth girl. Instagram: ethereal_girl_material_world_