I don’t even know you and yet I feel that having read these words I do know you. I have experienced a year of such extreme trauma, quite literally one thing after another thing after another thing. It has not broken me yet. But every day is a struggle that feels never ending. The tunnel that you speak of, I am there right now in my own way. I know with all my heart that I am the only one that can walk through that tunnel, but knowing that I have friends Very good friends, beautiful friends, he will be waiting there on the other side of that tunnel cheering me on encouraging me supporting me and loving me the whole time is what makes me get out of bed every day. I’ve often thoughtThat just when we need it the most, the universe shows us, if only we pay attention to it, what it is we need. I needed to read your words. I can never thank you enough. A stranger, Yes you are a stranger to me and I am a stranger to you and yet your words have touched my heart and have made me cry for the recognition that another has endured and survived. THANK YOU ❤️