I can relate to so much of this. I worked for my now former employer for eight years. During that space of time I had wonderful managers until my last few years when I had the worst manager, and the most toxic hostile work environment I had ever been forced to work in. During that three years. As well, we had a new President who was hired away from Amazon. It doesn’t take much to imagine how the work environment quickly shifted to an Amazon warehouse mentality environment. I was targeted for politely speaking up about inaccuracies in our department’s work. I was put on a bogus performance, improvement, plan and had to endure weekly phone calls with my very unqualified manager. Long story short, I was fired, and I utilized an employment law firm to help me gain a small settlement. I can verify that the EEOC, who was involved, is extremely understaffed, as that is what I was told by both my lawyer and the mediator at the EEOC. I worked for a company that had an at will work policy in place. Former work colleagues tell me that if anything, the work environment has become even worse than when I was there. This is a widespread systemic problem that urgently needs addressing. My mental emotional and physical health suffered tremendously as a result of the incredible stress that I was put through with that job. NEVER AGAIN. Thank you for writing this.