Member-only story
Drugs, Druggy, Drugged in the USA
“I read the news today, oh boy” …
No, really, I did, just now…
And as someone attempting to taper off a benzodiazepine that was prescribed for FAR too long and was told repeatedly that: “It’s totally okay to take this for the rest of your life” and “It’s not any different than someone who takes insulin every day for diabetes” and “No, it’s not addictive” I saw this headline earlier and I felt the need to comment; just my view.
What Are the Best Medications for Anxiety and Depression? (
And here’s my answer to this: absolutely fucking nothing.
Here’s the thing: these medications DO often work, especially with regards to my own situation. I mean, initially, the Xanax worked splendidly — until it didn’t. Then, the Klonopin worked wonderfully — until it didn’t…and on and on it goes. Many people swear by these (and other) medications. I should know, I was one of them; until I discovered ALL the many ways that my “daily little helper” was impacting my mental/emotional/physical health. Or “the only way out is through” in my particular scenario.
Oh, to quote from Cher: “If I Could Turn Back Time” — I most definitely would. But I can’t. I just have to keep white knuckling my way through this tapering regimen that I am currently attempting and have been doing…