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Creativity as Therapy
Can Depression be a “Wake Up” Call to help create a more fulfilling life?
I recently stumbled across this video of Jim Carrey discussing his artwork and how it has helped to inform him and his life of a spiritual sustenance. It really resonated with me for many different reasons; the least of which is that I have struggled with both depression and anxiety for most of my life, it seems:
In another interview Jim Carrey describes his own depression thusly:
I really like this: “depression” as “deep rest” which for me, at least, is accurate.
I used to often have a friendly faux debate with a now former therapist in which we sparred about depression vs. melancholy — with her holding forth that depression in chemical based and me adhering to my own experiences as ones of melancholy; perhaps because of my romanticism of the 19th century.
I do believe that some people are just more wired to feel things more intensely. This ability is often both a blessing…