As always Jessica, absolutely spot on. Nothing is OK, not really. Honestly, if it weren’t for you and Umair I would feel completely abandoned and as if I were losing my mind. Each day, we see and hear just how completely detached from reality almost half of our country is. That is very frightening. It’s very difficult to be an adult. It sucks. But that’s the thing or part of it anyway, half of us in America are trying our absolute damnedest to be adults and the other half isn’t. The disconnection, the lack of empathy, and the complete abandonment of our “government” is increasingly apparent to those of us paying attention. Thank you for being an adult, and calling out behavior that is absolutely abhorrent. It takes courage. It takes bravery, especially in this current culture. I’m not sure if any of this can be fixed. Please know I appreciate you 💝